Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kirch pilot gropes for Jauch in driver's license case

        Photo: dpa
        Cologne -
Since threatens trouble! Because David Erler (23) in January crashed his car into Limbacher church roof, he belonged to in the Review of Günther Jauch of RTL.
And just so that tapped the Church of Flying "in the driver's license case, and now finds Jauch, including TV production, I & U to the attention of police.
In the RTL show "people, images, emotions," Erler said the first time about his spectacular car accident. He was then going quickly to his girlfriend to the hospital and was racing with 139 cases of reviewers calculated by Limbach-Oberfrohna.
At one bank, he took off, flew 35 feet through the air and got stuck into seven meters high in the roof of the church. The spectacular accident could happen only because the bank worked as a ski jump, said a police spokesman.
Severely wounded Erler was recovered by a special crane. Before the trip he had been drinking quarter bottle of vodka. The blood test at the clinic was 0.45 per thousand. Two broken vertebrae, 3,000 euro fine and a year were driving the receipt. "The loss of 63,000 euros has been paid by insurance," said Erler.
Now he faces new troubles: During his television appearance was shown a film in which the car accident was simulated. In it Erler sat behind the wheel - despite driving disqualification. "We have requested a transcript from the transmission station," said police spokeswoman Jana Kindt (43) of the "Dresdner Morgenpost" "Now we check whether it is actually gone,"
Are also possible investigation of Jauch company - for incitement. Upon request of a EXPRESS I & U staff member said tightly: "Mr Erler is not gone!"