Monday, June 14, 2010

Porn star Louisa Lamour is Mama

Winterthur - With porn movies like "Forbidden shoots was" Louisa Lamour (23) in the famous scene. But now it is turning first break for the black-haired beauty.
Louisa Lamour is pregnant, reports the online edition of the "look". Father to be her husband. In January they announced that "my loyalty is extremely important."
The young Swiss was a superstar in the industry, was honored at the Venus Erotic Trade Fair as the best newcomer. How to go forward with their porn career is still unclear.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bad refs anger Europe

        Photo: dpa
        When is the video proof? Everywhere scold fans, players and coaches about the growing number of bad referee services.
Recent examples - the games of the Champions League: Munich overlooked Tom Hennig Övrebö a clear Absteitstor by Miroslav Klose. In Porto Martin Hansson headed one of two controversial decisions within a few seconds, the defeat of Arsenal.
"I find it embarrassing that such a thing happened in the last sixteen of the Champions League. Sun to be robbed is just frustrating, "said Riccardo Montolivo, captain of AC Milan, after the disastrous 1-2 defeat at Bayern Munich. Fiorentina president Diego Della Valle complains: "This is the Champions League - it is about efforts of the clubs, the sweat and sacrifices of the players. One may not simply ruin Sun If a referee is not good, you should stop him go. And the linesman should go to the doctor. "
The fans of Fiorentina because of the offside call on a protest action against UEFA. They want the headquarters in Nyon to the offside with emails and phone calls flooding. Even some parliamentarians wanted to move the Italian Association on Thursday to protest formally to UEFA.
The international cast for offside
Next »
Gazzetta dello Sport (Italy): "Referees, well so what! Theft in Munich! The Tuscans keep the FC Bayern had to be defeated by a foul goal. "
Corriere dello Sport (Italy): "Fiorentina robbed! Övrebö scandalous! Bayern wins in an obscure game due to a scandalous referee error. "
Tuttosport (Italy): "Fiorentina robbed - a disgrace."
Verdens Gang (Norway): "Övrebö again in focus. Övrebö Norwegian and his assistants recognize a lucid offside. This brings Övrebö once again football fans from across Europe against them. "
Dagbladet (Norway): "Fiorentina will send Övrebö team to optician. Övrebö since the Champions League semi-final in May, certainly not Chelsea's favorite referee - well he is the enemy number one referee in Florence. "
On the second referee scene of the evening, in Porto, guest coach Arsene Wenger was angry: "We had to defend a chance. It was a serious mistake, even a double mistake. " Referee Hansson had scored a pass from Sol Campbell Arsenal goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski to own as a deliberate back pass. The following indirect free-kick led Porto Ruben Micael out quickly, which prevented Hansson not much to the chagrin of Wenger. As a result, the 2-1 winning goal for Porto.
Both referee, Övrebö and Hansson, are not the first time noticed negative: The Norwegian Övrebö had last year in the semifinals of the Champions League not exist between FC Chelsea and FC Barcelona, according to the British as four penalty. After the retirement he was violently attacked by the Chelsea stars Michael Ballack and Didier Drogba have been. Fanatical England fans sent him later, even death threats.
Hansson had overlooked in November in the deciding game for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa between France and Ireland before the decisive matches of the French, a clear handball by Thierry Henry. After that was even briefly discussed on a replay.
Bayern Munich's coach Louis van Gaal is considering the lucky win over Florence on technical aids. "I say in ten years that we can not do more in football without technical aids."
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Uprising against forest sale in the Eifel

Bonn - The state government had decided it: 2700 hectares of valuable forest Eifel are sold. For € 25 million to the Foundation Bofrost. The parliament agreed that the contract is signed, the thing in the bag. Did Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers. But he had reckoned without the Eifel resourceful farmers.
For those of the Eifel forest is sacred. And the company Bofrost suspect. They fear: The Foundation will seek profit. That is, logging, block roads, collect Fence, game reserves.
And then the smart Eifelaner started to look for ways how the decisions might be torpedoed. And in the 8000-strong village Nettersheim proved successful: The community has a right of first refusal.
Now the Eifel communities under the impact of the financial crisis are not exactly blessed with large amounts of tax plasticine. But, as people remembered, there is still a reserve of the circle in terms of landfill.
They asked the District to whether Nettersheim could get a cheap loan from this reserve. District Günter Rosenke agreed.
Calculus: The Foundation Bofrost is only interested in the entire forest area. The sample was Nettersheim school: The Eifel cities Blankenheim Kall and now want to keep the Eifel forest on their own. Blankenheim Mayor Rolf Hartmann: "We will do everything that the summit of the Stromberg-Bofrost not blowing the flag."
Demand at the Foundation Bofrost: Is interested in these circumstances even in the forest? Answer: You would say anything. Also on the planned use of the silent Foundation, the Heinz Josef Boquoi having exclusive representative, the founder of the deep freeze is. Foundation's purpose is to "support the family."
District Günter Rosenke: "In fact there are currently promising negotiations. The Foundation has purchased forests in Germany." Which background? Even this was nothing to learn from Bofrost.
Anyway: In the Eifel, the Foundation is not welcome. The uprising of the citizens has only just begun.