Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Uprising against forest sale in the Eifel

Bonn - The state government had decided it: 2700 hectares of valuable forest Eifel are sold. For € 25 million to the Foundation Bofrost. The parliament agreed that the contract is signed, the thing in the bag. Did Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers. But he had reckoned without the Eifel resourceful farmers.
For those of the Eifel forest is sacred. And the company Bofrost suspect. They fear: The Foundation will seek profit. That is, logging, block roads, collect Fence, game reserves.
And then the smart Eifelaner started to look for ways how the decisions might be torpedoed. And in the 8000-strong village Nettersheim proved successful: The community has a right of first refusal.
Now the Eifel communities under the impact of the financial crisis are not exactly blessed with large amounts of tax plasticine. But, as people remembered, there is still a reserve of the circle in terms of landfill.
They asked the District to whether Nettersheim could get a cheap loan from this reserve. District Günter Rosenke agreed.
Calculus: The Foundation Bofrost is only interested in the entire forest area. The sample was Nettersheim school: The Eifel cities Blankenheim Kall and now want to keep the Eifel forest on their own. Blankenheim Mayor Rolf Hartmann: "We will do everything that the summit of the Stromberg-Bofrost not blowing the flag."
Demand at the Foundation Bofrost: Is interested in these circumstances even in the forest? Answer: You would say anything. Also on the planned use of the silent Foundation, the Heinz Josef Boquoi having exclusive representative, the founder of the deep freeze is. Foundation's purpose is to "support the family."
District Günter Rosenke: "In fact there are currently promising negotiations. The Foundation has purchased forests in Germany." Which background? Even this was nothing to learn from Bofrost.
Anyway: In the Eifel, the Foundation is not welcome. The uprising of the citizens has only just begun.