Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Now they found bones, shoes and credit cards

San Francisco - near the crash site of Steve FossetsFlugzeug search team have found in California's Sierra Nevada Gebirgeweitere Remains of U.S. flight adventurer.
It was seienmenschliche bones, Fossett's tennis shoes, credit cards and derFührerschein discovered, reported the local radio station KSEE amDonnerstag.
The helpers were Hohenberg region as early as Wednesday - when letztenSuchaktion before the onset of winter in the more than 3000 meters - stumbled upon the remains.
In the first SuchaktionenAnfang October were in the plane wreckage and the mountainous Umlandnur small traces of human remains were found. NachAngaben the authorities gave the material for DNA testing is not aus.Die larger bone may allow for a laboratory test now eineeinwandfreie identification, they said.
   A year after the mysterious disappearance of American aviation adventurer had walkers desPiloten end of September, personal belongings, including a flight card and a sweater, discovered in derWildnis. A little later, the search team found zertrümmerteFlugzeug.
Fossett (63), who had established several world records for aircraft undHeißluftballons, had started in September 2007 to einemSoloflug, from which he never returned. InChicago a court had declared him dead in February.
Also of interest
Personal belongings of Fossett ...
The pictures of Fossett plane wreckage