Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wild dance in black

It was a black before my eyes: At the concert of medieval rock band "In Extremo" on the Museum Mile contributed an estimated 95 percent of the 2,000 people attending the unity of black.
The heads of gentlemen often adorned skull scarves, and even more beards, sometimes elaborately braided men's hairy chest touched, and very often tattoos.
The ladies wore boots, corsets, piercing rings in their lips - and a happy smile on his face. For Michael Rhein, blond giant and frontman of the successful band, ran and jumped naked from the waist and enviable washboard abs on stage.
Often it was necessary to take cover, for "In Extremo lit" on the museum space is not only a musical heavy-metal fireworks, but also caused to the note just exploding rockets, tongues of fire shooting into the crowd, Glitter crashing bombs.
Not only was therefore a party mood under the tent roof: The Black Block dancing.
For two hours the Middle Ages was announced - with minstrel songs, sailor ballads, love poems. These were by Kay Lutter, Boris Pfeiffer, Marco Zorzytzky, Andre Strugala, Reiner Morgenroth Sebastian Lange and hear not just rocktypische instruments and see how market bagpipes (a variation) of the bagpipes, Celtic harp, hammered dulcimer, shawm. A real spectacle - Flashy, black, loud and completely peaceful.