Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"I do not trust me Eintracht Frankfurt"

Cologne - The first woman who is the Bundesliga team practice, it has not easy. Silvia Neid, although it is not trusted, but since there is a lady who has recently received its license and coach stands in the wings: former national player Steffi Jones.
Sympathetic Frankfort has a brilliant career before him. As future President of the Organizing Committee of the Women's World Cup 2011 in Germany, they will not only represent the event - but is also the figurehead of the global women's soccer.
Fits to it already bears the flattering nickname: the "Empress." But even after the women's World Cup 2011 Jones has big plans. Recently, she has received the certificate as a state-approved teacher at the football Hennes-Weisweiler Academy and told the Express:
"In the future I would also like to work as a coach for a Bundesliga team and scare away the men through the area! It would be a great challenge for me, the first woman to be. At some time the ban has yet to be broken this male domain. I would credit me in any case. Which club? Of course, Eintracht Frankfurt, with Friedhelm Funkel I have a very good relationship! "